More Assembly
Moving around
- movsx - signed mov
- Pad with 0 for positive or F for negative
- 0x1000 = 0x00001000
- movzx - ungsigned mov
- Always pad with 0
- 0x1000 = 0x00001000
- 0xFFFF = 0x0000FFFF
- lea - load effective address
- Mostly used for math or an array index
- lea eax, [eax+eax] ; Doubles the value of eax – eax = eax * 2
- lea edi, [esi+0Bh] ; Adds 11 to esi and stores the result
- lea eax, [esi+ecx*4] ; Index of an array of ints. esi is pointer to the
beginning of an array and ecx is the index. Index
is multiplied by 4 because Integers are 4 bytes
long. eax will end up storing the address of the
ecx’th element of the array.
- lea edi, [eax+eax*2] ; Triples the value of eax
- lea edi, [eax+ebx*2] ; This indicates eax stores an array of 16 bit values
and that ebx is the offset.
Math and Logic
- add, sub
- add eax, 3 ; adds 3 to eax
- add ebx, eax ; adds the value of eax to ebx
- sub ecx, 3 ; subs 3 from ecx
- inc, dec essentially increment and decrement
- inc eax ; eax++
- dec ecx ; ecx–
- and, or, xor, neg - logical bitwise operators
- and eax, 7 ; eax = eax & 7 this clears all bits except last 3
or eax, 16 ; eax = eax |
16 This sets 5th bit to the right to 1 |
- xor eax, 1 ; eax = eax ^ 1 this toggles the right most bit in eax
0=>1 or 1=>0
- xor eax, FFFFFFFFh ; this is a bitwise negation
- neg eax ; eax = ~eax
- xor eax, eax ; eax = 0 this clears eax very quickly
- mul, imul, idiv, cdq
- mul is unsigned, imul is signed
- mul ecx ; edx:eax = eax * ecx (unsigned)
- imul edx ; edx:eax = eax * edx (signed)
- mul ecx, 10h ; ecx = ecx * 0x10 (unsigned)
- imul ecx, 20h ; ecx = ecx * 0x20 (signed)
- div does div and mod at the same time
- div ecx ; eax = edx:eax / ecx (unsigned)
; edx = edx:eax % ecx (unsigned)
- idiv ecx ; eax = edx:eax / ecx (signed)
edx = edx:eax % ecx (signed)
- cdq - generally used right before idiv
- stands for convert double to quad
Common use of cdq and idiv
mov eax, 1007 ; 1007 will be divided
mov ecx, 10 ; by 10
cdq ; extends eax into edx
idiv ecx ; eax will be 1007/10 = 100 and edx will be 1007%10 = 7
- shl, shr, sal, sar
- shl - shift left
- shr - shift right
- sal - shift arithmetic left
- sar - shift arithmetic right
- equivalent to « and » in C
- Faster than mul and div involving powers of 2
Divide by 2
mov eax, 16 ;eax = 16 0000 1000
shr eax, 1 ;eax = 8 0000 0100
Multiply by 4
mov eax, 5 ;eax = 5 0000 0101
sal eax, 2 ;eax = 20 0000 1010